What is real-time in Qme?
It refers to the ability to control the solver during the calculation, and to reflect the result of the calculation in the sequential view. During a nonlinear analysis, you can view manipulation to see the results during the calculation without stopping the calculation, and stop halfway. It is realized by using multithreading.
Can continuous automatic calculation by batch processing be performed?
You can do it in the Professional version. You can also schedule screenshots to be auto-saved.
It seems that you don’t need a spatial mesh, but isn’t it FEM?
It is an integral equation method (magnetic moment method) that solves Maxwell’s equations from the integral form. Compared to the finite element method, which is a differential equation method, the biggest feature of this method is that it can be analyzed (including space) without spatial meshing. It is often misunderstood when I say this, but it is not a BEM (boundary element method). (BEMs cannot perform nonlinear calculations.) It satisfies the infinite range condition without specifying a boundary condition. (Mirror image and periodic boundary conditions that are useful to have can be used.) The method itself has a deeper history than the finite element method, but it is necessary to take care to integrate with high accuracy for programming. QM achieves high speed and high accuracy by devising cell models.
How is it different from conventional analysis methods using integral equations?
Qme is designed to calculate quickly without losing accuracy. Models are created not as elements, but as objects called cells, in highly independent, intelligent, and intelligent units. For example, a cell may have a variable number of its own constants and may change automatically depending on the condition.
Cell: It is called this because it has a core like the cells of living organisms and has intelligent functions equivalent to DNA. From the programming paradigm, it is an analysis method that takes advantage of the characteristics of object-oriented languages.
For information on integral equations and general magnetic field analysis methods, please refer to “What is electromagnetic field analysis software?”
For Qme’s unique and detailed analysis theory, see “Why Qm is advantageous for three-dimensional magnetic field analysis!”Please refer to “A More Detailed Explanation of the Differences from FEM Software (PDF)” with Theory.
How do you do complex movements and input changes in current values in dynamic analysis?
One of the features of Qm is the ability of input functions that are close to mathematical input. An example is shown in “Writing Time Series Functions”. As a result, complex motion, changes in external magnetic field and current values, etc. can be easily input.
What is the accuracy of the analysis?
We have also achieved excellent results in the benchmark model of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
In particular, the results of Team Workshop Benchmark Problem 10, which is the analysis of eddy currents in 3D dynamic magnetic field nonlinear magnetic field analysis, have better results with respect to eddy current values than actual measurements. This calculation is so difficult that so far (January 2021) I have not found any other software that publishes this result with downloadable sample calculation data.In addition, calculation examples are posted in “Magnetic Field Analysis from the Beginning of Qm (Dynamic Analysis)” on the evaluation version download page. For specific examples for each customer, the evaluation version can be downloaded free of charge (with sample data), so please try it.
How do you do complex movements and input changes in current values in dynamic analysis?
One of the features of Qm is the ability of input functions that are close to mathematical input. An example is shown in “Writing Time Series Functions”. As a result, complex motions and changes in external magnetic fields and current values can be easily input.
Is it not possible to draw a graph of the analysis result? Can I link with other software?
The solver has a function to draw a time series XY graph that can draw a time series graph, spatial distribution, complex and dynamic hysteresis, etc.
In addition, as a link with other software, there is a CSV and XML file export function, so you can easily process it using Excel etc. XML also makes it easier to manage the analysis results in a database. In addition, all input and output files are open in highly readable text format, including restart, so handling is easy.
Qm will support three file formats in the output, each with the following features:
(1) Qot original format: This is an easy-to-read format such as FORTRAN.
(2) CSV format: Ideal for graphing in Excel etc.
(3) XML format: This is the most popular format right now. It is being supported in all applications. It is highly readable, extensible, and portable, and can have a database-like logical structure. One of the popularity of XML is that you can use XSLT to aggregate tables and graph in a browser (without a program).
I would like to calculate magnetic force and torque.
It has the ability to enclose an arbitrary space and calculate the magnetic field stress (Maxwell’s stress). If a stress surface is applied, the mesh division for calculation is automatic, and the resultant force and torque are also automatically calculated.
What are the application areas? What kind of effect will there be by introducing it?
The range of applications is basically related to everything where electricity or magnets are used. Therefore, it is used in a fairly wide range of industries (electricity, electronics, precision, machinery, civil engineering, construction, automobiles, nuclear power, energy, the environment, resource exploration, medicine… all manufacturing industries and fields).
As an introduction effect, in the manufacturing industry, there is a shortening of the cycle of development and design, reduction of prototypes,
and acquisition of high cost performance (differentiation from other companies) by optimization.
・Even in the non-manufacturing sector, we will be able to provide high-quality services through analysis of the mechanisms of phenomena that cannot be directly measured, which we have not understood until now, qualitative and quantitative support, operational optimization, education, etc.
Even though it is said that it is general-purpose software, in reality I think that most of the time it is to solve problems for specific purposes in the field of users and to design and develop equipment. Isn’t it halfway to use Qm, which is a general-purpose software? Also, in terms of price, Qm, which is much cheaper than other companies, is not inferior in performance, isn’t it?
As for the analysis target, it is the same as other expensive software in that magnetic field calculation is basic. Of course, we are not doing a simple calculation by breaking the analysis at the end. In magnetic field analysis, poor accuracy results are nonsense. (For an explanation of this, see “Approaches to Electromagnetic Field Analysis.”) Therefore, the problem after that is to cooperate with other software, especially the ease of using input and output. Qm has open text format and specifications (this information is available in advance), and has functions to export to CSV and XML, so it is easy to link with other software.
As for the overall performance of Qm, you can check the evaluation version by yourself or the Light version of Qm if you can use it for the same problem as the model calculated by the solver of another company. We are confident that if you use a high-end desktop PC and the Pro version of Qm, you will be able to achieve performance that rivals or exceeds software priced at a price of 5 million yen ~ nearly 10 million yen.
Of course, we have applications and know-how in each field, so we can help you build models (especially initial models).
I have a problem with magnetic field analysis, can you consult me?
Please feel free to contact us by e-mail. Staff with nearly 30 years of experience in magnetic field analysis will answer your questions.
Cattleeye Science Co., Ltd. 1st Sales Department
TEL 0774-39-8687 FAX 050-3356-9006
Email : sales1@i4s.co.jpManufacturer : Shift Lock
Fax Co., Ltd. 072-431-0975
E-mail : info@slock.co.jp
QmVer.5.0.24 and P Ver.5.0.600 and later only 64-bit versions are available.
Also, the supported OS is Windows 10 64bit only.The 64-bit version is above all due to its wide memory space. This means that large-scale computation is possible. Especially in the case of Qm, we emphasize real-time performance, so we keep a lot of information in memory.
In addition, Qm, which is based on 64-bit arithmetic, can perform calculations natively, so you can enjoy the high speed of the 64-bit CPU.
Please tell me the difference between the Professional version and the Light version.
The Light version is a popular version with a lower price. Compared to the Professional version, the following functions are limited. All of them omit the functions of the Professional version, which is mainly intended for use in large-scale calculations. The evaluation version is the Light version, so please check the included samples.
(1) The matrix size that can be calculated is limited.
Therefore, the Light version cannot calculate nonlinear models with drastic changes in magnetic permeability or models with complex shapes.
For specific sizes, please refer → “Unknown limit = xxxxx” numbers at the top of the “About Menu” of the software and “About information”. Please note that specific figures are subject to change without notice due to various circumstances such as hardware development and price.
Currently, the unknown limit = 600. How large this unknown is depends on the type and number of cells used. If you look at “Magnetic Field Analysis from Qm Basics” on the evaluation version download page, you can see that you can calculate a considerable amount of models with few cells.
Qm does not require spatial meshing, the unknown number is 0 no matter how many current cells there are, etc. … so it is practical with a considerably smaller number of cells than the number of elements in FEM, but it cannot be simply compared. However, this is a rather rough comparison, but dare I say that one Qm cell may be equivalent to 10~1000 elements of FEM. It is also the reason why we call it a cell rather than an element.(2) Batch mode is not available.
Batch mode is for solving many models at once, or for unattended calculations for a long time. There is also a feature that allows you to schedule image captures in batch mode.(3) There is a limit to the number of timesteps that can be calculated.
In the Light version, it is up to 0~60 time steps. The Professional version allows as many timesteps as memory allows.
Is there no phone support?
For consultation before purchasing, please first contact our sales agent Cattleeye Science Co., Ltd. in the lower row.
Cattleeye Science Co., Ltd. 1st Sales Department
TEL 0774-39-8687 FAX 050-3356-9006
Email : sales1@i4s.co.jp
What is the license type?
Currently, the Professional version has a purchase license and an annual rental license.
The Light version has an annual rental license only.
All are node-locked single-user licenses.
What is the actual implementation record?
Since 2008, we have a track record of dozens of university laboratories, major manufacturers, public research institutes, etc.
Are there any introductory workshops?
Although it is only for P and Qme (separate fee is required), it is carried out according to customer’s request. For details, please contact our sales agent Cattleeye Science Co., Ltd. below.
Cattleeye Science Co., Ltd. 1st Sales Department
TEL 0774-39-8687 FAX 050-3356-9006
Email : sales1@i4s.co.jp
Is it the Japanese version? Or is there no multinational version?
It was 100% developed by our company, so the basic language is Japanese. The software itself (from Qm Ver.5.0.0024, P Ver.5.0.1 or later) can switch between Japanese and English languages.
However, as of January 2021, there is only a Japanese version of the document.
What about version upgrades and support?
Basically, during the rental period and warranty period, the version and support are free. For details, please contact our sales agent Cattleeye Science Co., Ltd. below.
Cattleeye Science Co., Ltd. 1st Sales Department
TEL 0774-39-8687 FAX 050-3356-9006
Email : sales1@i4s.co.jp